
No picture post today ~

Hola! ♥

Sorry for the lack of updates, I haven't had internet access >.> I'm moving back into my old house today and I have work ~ I really need money, so I'm thinking I'll do a double shift today :) I still don't have enough for my Ebay shopping cart list AND I spent over $50 on food alone yesterday :/ It's no wonder I'm not a whale by now :o

I still have 3 goals in mind this month, that require me going to work every day to achieve them. I made a song list, because I'm getting a new Ipod and I'm going to need a lot of songs to keep me occupied throughout the day. I want so many songs that it'd be difficult to get back to the same song :3

I also want a Kindle or a Nook, because I love reading and getting a bunch of books without an actual house seems silly.

I refuse to put any rap music (which I hate) or hip hop songs on my Ipod. I want like Vocaloid, Latin, Classical, Country pop, Metal, Rock and so on.

And I also need to get a new cat, because my old cat ran away and my old house deff has mice ~ and I hate mice and I'm not dealing with them again ._. I refuse.

Why couldn't the mice in my house be white and scared of people? I have little gray monsters that aren't scared of anything :P

It reminds me of when my brother stomped on two of them at the same time ~ yuck :p

Anyway, back to being a workaholic ;D I will text my friend Aaron and check out other blogs until I have to go :3


Late late late ~

Hola! ♥

I wasn't on the computer all yesterday and I probably won't be until tomorrow morning. So I'll write more, even though my day was really uneventful and I earned $0. Gosh, my New Years is starting off really badly since I have no money to my name at the moment. At least I have goals now >.< About to go get my hair finished ;D


Only 14lbs to go ~

Hola! ♥

Feliz ano nuevo! I am a bit upset I didn't go to that New Years party yesterday, but I refuse to start my new year with regrets. I will deff go to work today. I've decided I'm going to start with MyFitnessPal, in order to gain weight. My goal weight is 135lbs, without it merely being water weight. My depo provera helps, but I don't get my next shot until nearly the end of February to which I expect to have my Invisalign in, to be 3 shades lighter in skin color, and for my root canal to be over and done with.

I will start taking supplements and eating healthier, so the weight won't go all to my stomach, because I take pride in having a flat stomach.

The last time I joined MyFitnessPal, I had a bunch of anorexics as friends, and it sucked because they didn't really encourage me to gain weight, only to make me feel weird for wanting to gain weight rather than lose it like most women.

I have to eat 2640 calories today. Hmm. I remember that I have to eat a lot at night, because as I sleep, my body burns off calories much slower, so the weight will stay on my body, which is good.

I'm pretty sure I'll be much more confident with my perfect weight for my body, far away from being underweight, like I have been my whole life practically. Once I'm a good weight, I can worry about any other flaws I dislike about myself :)


My own opinion ~

Hola! ♥

I wanted to approach a topic just once, about gamer girls. That's the thing, when I start making Youtube videos in June 2014, I don't want to talk about this subject in a video, because it's like beating a dead horse (excuse the expression).

What I think about gamer girls is that, a true gamer female should not be on Call of Duty and make her clan tag; love, hope, kiss, girl, cute or anything like that. I have to admit, I did that quite often when I was younger, but I realized how ridiculous that is. Also, gamer girls don't flirt with everyone. That's the thing, it's okay to have a bunch of guy friends and be a flirt as a person, but don't lead people on. Make your intentions clear.

And don't even get me started with the pictures of a girl licking a controller or taking a picture with a console that isn't even on, and putting hastags like, #girlgamer and so on.

Why do men have to know you're a girl? Yes, my username is sort of girly, but I'm allowed to choose what I like, as is other females. But my clan tag won't be something pointless. If I'm not in a clan, I won't have a clan tag.

When I speak on the mic on Call of Duty, I usually am swearing. If a guy asks me if I'm a woman or not, I'd usually ignore it, or give a sarcastic answer. Do they ask other men if they're men? Doubtful. When I play League of Legends and someone asks me if I'm a girl, I give a sarcastic answer or ask them why.

Does it matter if I'm a woman? I'm not having sex with you over the headset or PC. And I don't accept invites from anyone unless they did particularly well the last game and I notice.

Those 'girl gamers' make women look bad. My own advice to every female out there, is to relax and just play. You don't need to seek attention from strangers. Constantly giggling over the mic is annoying to most guys anyway.

You can have a pink controller, headset, or whatever, it's fine. Try to be like a guy, not saying not to be yourself, but consider what assumptions people will make about you, just because you're a woman. So if you'd like to avoid those, have respect for yourself. Don't send pictures of yourself to anyone you don't personally know or haven't know for an extended amount of time.

Don't let any guys pressure you into anything. You can be girly without acting like an attention seeking airhead. I think it's much sexier with a girl who relaxes during a game (not exactly acting like a dude) and dresses well (not slutty).

Most girls found a way to dress slutty without seeming like an attention seeker, which is cosplaying. No one chooses Samus with her armor on, or Ashe, only characters that have her tits pronounced or hanging out of the outfit.

If you're going to cosplay, at least be open minded to the Marvel or DC characters or whatever, who aren't that attractive, but are well known.

I'm sick of seeing Catwoman, Poison Ivy, Miss Fortune and so on. Why not Zatana? (the above picture) Or someone like that who actually wears clothing?

But end of rant ~ I have a New Years party to go to soon and I need money before 2014. which is tomorrow :)


Moving back down ~

Hola! ♥

Yesterday wasn't anything in particular happening, I went to work, hardly made anything and watched this Korean drama movie about this guy who at age 30 realized he had a daughter named Joon. He treated her like (excuse my language) shit. She was the sweetest, cutest little angel and he did not show any compassion or affection for her. It was painful to watch, really, because I just felt like punching him :p

*SPOILER ALERT* She ended up dying of cancer at the end and the last thing she told him was that she loved him, but not once did he say it to her. It made me cry repeatedly throughout the whole movie.

I have to move out of this house in about 4 days, which is sort of depressing, really, but oh well ~ I will just go back to my old house. At least then, I can play League and come in the house whenever I please without worrying about if I'll be locked out or not. I just need a bed.

I'm so hungry at the moment and I decided to take a day off work today, because tomorrow, I probably have to do a double, because we have a New Years party. The Christmas party was nice, since I earned a good amount of money. So hopefully it's the same here :)

This is what I want right now, I'm muy hambrienta ♥ Going to go eat now ^.^


Overworking ~ oh no!

Hola! ♥

Yesterday, I did a double shift at work and ended up leaving around 1am ~ I had to pay my cousin back for all of the food I bought before we were about to watch Insidious 2. Which reminds me. It SUCKS that the dvd stopped working, because I really really wanted to see that movie. It's like, I know I'll be scared, and I wanted to watch it anyway :/

I need to save money for my Ebay things ~ I spend most of my money on that day out >.> So, I didn't have enough for the stuff I wanted :/

Well, it was fun, so I don't regret it :)

I think I'm obsessed with having lighter skin. As a Panamanian, our skin is muy oscuro naturally, like a tan. And well, I wanted lighter skin, but to be honest, I've been really slacking off >.<

But no longer! I shall get the money I need for my Ebay things and I will buy my health products! The girls wanted to play dress up with me yesterday, by putting tons of makeup on me. I wish I had more makeup wipes, because there's still black eyeliner on my eyelids ~

I want a new PS3. I sold my old one and now I want a new one, with a pink controller and a pink skin for it ♥

I know I'll wait until I don't live with Raymond anymore, because seeing as how I made his ps3 overheat, it'd be pretty rude for me to buy myself one without having had replaced his.

Anyway, I need my skin products, so I can get back on track :D

I noticed that every girl at work has children, and they refer to me as 'Minnie Mouse' and 'the baby', because I'm almost the youngest, next to that girl Tiffany that I don't like. I don't want children, I don't think and if I ever do, it's going to be when I'm really really old. Having children limits your freedom and messes up your body.


Most fun I had in a while ~

Hola! ♥

I had a lot of fun yesterday, for the first time in a long time :) Me, my aunt, her husband and my favorite cousin went to the movies and an all you can eat buffet ~ it was so yummy, but we got there too late, so I didn't get a chance to take pictures :( Only my aunt took one:

She chose foods she already usually eats (-.-) While I chose crawdads, clams, oyster, shrimp, buffalo wings, mushrooms and things like that. My cousin got sushi and other Chinese foods. I wish I could have taken a picture of the cheesecake I was eating, it was sooo delicious, but I was sooo full ~

We went to the AMC next, after checking out clothing I'm going to buy soon. My cousin tried this thing called 'The Hurricane', but it was sadly disappointing, and we laughed so much. Maybe it was meant to make us laugh?

It was 22 minutes of commercials at the theaters, like I thought:

Whatever movie this was, I want to watch it, it looked awesome >.> We went to see 'A Madea Christmas,' and we knew it'd be funny and it was ~ it was a Tyler Perry movie, so I knew it was trying to teach you something, this time it was about racism and how wrong it is. Like I'm not already aware. As a Panamanian, I have not quite experienced racism, (except a bit as a child), but now, I wouldn't react badly if it happened, I'd just pity the small minded person.

Although the movie said, 'PG13', there was a lot of sexual references ~ maybe it'd go over the children's heads?

My popcorn, on my lap. I didn't even eat it, I was full from the buffet and I put too much butter in it >.> It cost $6, so I did waste my money a bit :o

Overall, it was fun. We played with the driving simulator and my cousin caught candy in his mouth ~ this is what I needed, to relax :) Hopefully, I can be happy and focused now to get my Ebay things and my Invisalign ♥ I only have 5 or so days left for both :3
Header image by sabrinaeras @ Flickr